Publications by Year
300 Zhang, P., Fleming, P., Andoniou, C.E., Waltner, O.G., Bhise, S.S., Martins, J.P., McEnroe, B.A., Voigt, V., Daly, S., Kuns, R.D., Ekwe, A.P., Henden, A,S., Saldan, A., Olver, S., Varelias, A., Smith, C., Schmidt, C.R., Ensbey, K.S., Legg, S.R., Sekiguchi, T., Minnie, S.A., Gradwell, M., Wagenaar, I., Clouston, A.D., Koyama, M., Furlan, S.N., Kennedy, G.A., Ward, E.S., Degli-Esposti, M.A., Hill, G.R., Tey, S.K. IL-6-mediated endothelial injury impairs antiviral humoral immunity after bone marrow transplantation. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 134(7), 2024. Journal URL — Full Text
299 Ma, G., Crowley, A.R., Heyndrickx, L., Rogiers, I., Parthoens, E., Van Santbergen, J., Ober, R.J., Bobkov, V., de Haard, H., Ulrichts, P., Hofman, E., Louagie, E., Balbino, B., Ward, E.S. Differential effects of FcRn antagonists on the subcellular trafficking of FcRn and albumin. Journal of Clinical Investigation Insight, 9(10), 2024 . Journal URL — Full Text
298 Ward, E.S., Gelinas, D., Dreesen, E., Van Stantbergen, J., Andersen, J.T., Silvestri, N.J., Kiss, J.E., Sleep, D., Rader, D.J., Kastelein, J.J.P., Louagie, E., Vidarsson, G., Spriet, I. Clinical significance of serum albumin and implications of FcRn inhibitor treatment in IgG-mediated autoimmune disorders. Frontiers in Immunology, 13, 2022. Journal URL– Full Text
297 Marie d’Avigneau, A., Singh, S.S., Ober, R.J. Limits of accuracy for parameter estimation and localization in single-molecule microscopy via sequential Monte Carlo methods. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 15(1): 139–171, 2022. Journal URL
296 Wolfe, G.I., Ward, E.S., de Haard, H., Ulrichts, P., Mozaffar, T., Pasnoor, M., and Vidarsson, G. IgG regulation through FcRn blocking: A novel mechanism for the treatment of myasthenia gravis. Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 430: 118074, 2021. Journal URL
295 Goebeler, M., Bata‐Csörgő, Z., De Simone, C,. Didona, B., Remenyik, E., Reznichenko, N., Stoevesandt, J., Ward, E.S., Parys, W., de Haard., Dupuy, P., Verheesen, P., Schmidt, E., Joly, P., and the ARGX-113-1701 Investigator Study Group. Treatment of pemphigus vulgaris and foliaceus with efgartigimod, a neonatal Fc receptor inhibitor: a phase 2 multicentre, open‐label feasibility trial. British Journal of Dermatology. 2021. Journal URL – Pub Med
294 Khare, P., Sun ,W., Ramakrishnan, S., Hao, G., Lo, S., Nham, K., Sun, X., Ober, R.J., Ward, E.S., and Swiercz, R. Selective depletion of radiolabeled HER2-specific antibody for contrast improvement during PET. mAbs, 13(1): 1976705, 2021. Journal URL– Full Text
293 Vahid, M.R., Hanzon, B., and Ober, R.J. Effect of pixelation on the parameter estimation of single molecule trajectories. IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging, 7: 98-113, 2021. Journal URL — Full Text
292 Ward, E.S., Jones, P., Buss, T., Rada, C., Winter, G., and Willson, R. In memoriam: Jefferson Foote. mAbs, 13(1): 1870059, 2021. Journal URL – Pub Med
291 You, S., Chao, J., Cohen, E.A., Ward, E.S., and Ober, R.J. A microscope calibration protocol for single-molecule microscopy. Optics Express, 29(1): 182-207, 2021. Journal URL – Pub Med — Full Text
290 Sun, W., Khare, P., Wang, X., Challa, D.K., Greenberg, B.M., Ober, R.J., and Ward, E.S. Selective depletion of antigen-specific antibodies for the treatment of demyelinating disease. Molecular Therapy, 29(3): 1312-1323, 2020. Journal URL – Pub Med — Full Text
— Supplementary text
289 Vatansever, E.C., Kang, J., Tuley, A., Ward, E.S., and Liu, W.R. An optimal “Click” formulation strategy for antibody-drug conjugate synthesis. Bioorganic Medicinal Chemistry, 28(24): 115808, 2020. Journal URL – Pub Med
288 Stopforth, R.J. and Ward, E.S. The role of tumour-associated macrophages in antigen presentation. Critical Reviews in Immunology, 40(3): 205-224, 2020. Journal URL – Pub Med
287 Vahid, M.R., Hanzon, B., and Ober, R.J. Fisher information matrix for single molecules with stochastic trajectories. SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, 13(1): 234-264, 2020. Journal URL — Full Text — Supplementary text
286 Newland, A.C., Sánchez-González, B., Rejtő, L., Egyed, M., Romanyuk, N., Godar, M., Verschueren, K., Gandini, D., Ulrichts, P., Beauchamp, J., Dreier, T., Ward, E.S., Michel, M., Liebman, H.A., de Haard, H., Leupin, N., and Kuter, D.J. Phase 2 study of efgartigimod, a novel FcRn antagonist, in adult patients with primary immune thrombocytopenia. American Journal of Hematology, 95(2): 178-187, 2020. Journal URL – Full Text – Pub Med
— Supplementary text
285 Lin, D., Lin, Z., Cao, J., Velmurugan, R., Ward, E.S., and Ober, R.J. A two-stage method for automated detection of ring-link endosomes in fluorescent microscopy images. PLoS ONE, 14(6): e0218931, 2019. Journal URL – Full Text – Pub Med
284 Challa, D.K., Wang, X., Montoyo, H.P., Velmurugan, R., Ober, R.J., and Ward, E.S. Neonatal Fc receptor expression in macrophages is indispensable for IgG homeostasis. mABs, 11(5): 848-860, 2019. Journal URL – Full Text – Pub Med
— Supplementary text
283 Patel, L., Gustafsson, N., Lin, Y., Ober, R.J., Henriques, R., and Cohen, E.A. A hidden Markov model approach to characterizing the photo-switching behaviour of fluorophores. The Annals of Applied Statistics, 13(3): 1397-1429, 2019. Journal URL — Full Text — PubMed
— Supplementary text
282 Kang, J. C., Sun, W., Khare, P., Karimi, M., Wang, X., Shen, W., Ober, R. J., and Ward, E. S. Engineering a HER2-specific antibody–drug conjugate to increase lysosomal delivery and therapeutic efficacy. Nature Biotechnology, 37: 523-526, 2019. Journal URL – Pub Med— Supplementary text
281 Howard, J. F. Jr., Bril, V., Burns, T. M., Mantegazza, R., Bilinska, M., Szczudlik, A., Beydoun, S., Rodriguez De Rivera Garrido, F. J., Piehl, F., Rottoli, M., Van Damme, P., Vu, T., Evoli, A. , Freimer, M., Mozaffar, T., Ward, E. S., Dreier, T., Ulrichts, P., Verschueren, K., Guglietta, A., de Haard, H., Leupin, N., and Verschuuren, J. J. G. M. Randomized Phase 2 study of FcRn antagonist Efgartigimod in generalized myasthenia gravis. Neurology, 92(23): e2661-e2673, 2019. Journal URL – Pub Med
280 Sage, D., Pham, T., Babock, H., Lukes, T., Pengo, T., Chao, J., Velmurugan, R., Herbert, A., Agrawal, A., Colabrese, S., Wheeler, A., Archetti, A., Rieger, B., Ober, R., Hagen, G.M., Sibarita, J-B., Ries, J., Henriques, R., Unser, M., and Holden, S. Super-resolution fight club: Assessment of 2D & 3D single-molecule localization microscopy software. Nature Methods, 16: 387-395, 2019. Journal URL – Pub Med
279 Cohen, E. A. K., Abraham, A. V., Ramakrishnan, S., and Ober, R. J. Resolution limit of image analysis algorithms. Nature Communications, 10: 793, 2019. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
— Supplementary text
278 Deason, K., Troutman, T. D., Jain, A., Challa, D. K., Mandraju, R., Brewer, T., Ward, E. S., and Pasare, C. BCAP links IL-1R to the PI3K-mTOR pathway and regulates pathogenic Th17 differentiation. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 215(9): 2413-2428, 2018. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
—Supplementary text
277 Ward, E. S. and Ober, R. J. Targeting FcRn to generate antibody-based therapeutics. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, 39(10): 892-904, 2018. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
276 Ulrichts, P., Guglietta, A., Dreier, T., van Bragt, T., Hanssens, V., Hofman, E., Vankerckhoven, B., Verheesen, P., Ongenae, N., Lykhopiy, V., Enriquez, F. J., Cho, J., Ober, R. J., Ward, E. S., de Haard, H., and Leupin, N. Neonatal Fc receptor antagonist efgartigimod safely and sustainably reduces IgGs in humans. The Journal of Clinical Investigation, 128(10): 4372-4386, 2018. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
—Supplementary text
275 Velmurugan, R., Ramakrishnan, S., Kim, M., Ober, R. J., and Ward, E. S. Phagocytosis of antibody-opsonized tumor cells leads to the formation of a discrete vacuolar compartment in macrophages. Traffic, 19(4): 273-284, 2018. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
— Supplementary text
274 Khare, P., Challa, D. K., Devanaboyina, S. C., Velmurugan, R., Hughes, S., Greenberg, B. M., Ober, R. J., and Ward, E. S. Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein-specific antibodies from multiple sclerosis patients exacerbate disease in a humanized mouse model. Journal of Autoimmunity, 86: 104-115, 2018. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
— Supplementary text
273 Li, R., Chiguru, S., Li, L., Kim, D., Velmurugan, R., Kim, D., Tian, H., Schroit, A., Mason, R., Ober, R. J., and Ward, E. S. Targeting phosphatidylserine with calcium-dependent protein-drug conjugates for the treatment of cancer. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics, 17(1): 169-182, 2018. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
— Supplementary text
272 Lin, D., Lin, Z., Velmurugan, R., and Ober, R. J. Automatic endosomal structure detection and localization in fluorescence microscopic images. 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Baltimore, MD, 2017, pp. 1-4. Journal URL — Full text – PubMed
271 Holt, S., Ward, E. S., Ober, R. J., and Alge, D. Shooting for the moon: Using tissue-mimetic hydrogels to gain new insight on cancer biology and screen therapeutics. MRS Communications, 7(3): 427-441, 2017. Journal URL
270 Ward, E. S. and Ober, R. J. Hepatic function of FcRn revealed: implications for overcoming drug-mediated hepatotoxicity. Hepatology, 66(6): 2083-2085, 2017. Journal URL— Full text – PubMed
269 Lea, J., Sharma, R., Yang, F., Zhu, H., Ward, E.S., and Schroit, A.J. Detection of phosphatidylserine-positive exosomes as a diagnostic marker for ovarian malignancies: a proof of concept study. Oncotarget, 8: 14395-14407, 2017. Journal URL — Full text —PubMed
268 Devanaboyina, S. C., Khare, P., Challa, D. K., Ober, R. J., and Ward, E. S. Engineered clearing agents for the selective depletion of antigen-specific antibodies. Nature Communications, 8: 15314, 2017. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
—Supplementary text
267 Vahid, M. R., Chao, J., Ward, E. S., and Ober, R. J. A state space based approach to localizing single molecules from multi-emitter images. Proceedings of the SPIE International Symposium on Biomedical Optics: Three-Dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing XXIV, 10070: 100700J, San Francisco, CA, 2017. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
266 Chao, J., Velmurugan, R., You, S., Kim, D., Ward, E. S., and Ober, R. J. Remote focusing multifocal plane microscopy for the imaging of 3D single molecule dynamics with cellular context. Proceedings of the SPIE International Symposium on Biomedical Optics: Three-Dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing XXIV, 10070: 100700L, San Francisco, CA, 2017. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
265 Velmurugan, R., Chao, J., Ram, S., Ward, E. S., and Ober, R. J. Intensity-based axial localization approaches for multifocal plane microscopy. Optics Express, 25(4): 3394-3410, 2017. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
264 Vahid, M. R., Chao, J., Kim, D., Ward, E. S., and Ober, R. J. State space approach to single molecule localization in fluorescence microscopy. Biomedical Optics Express, 8(3): 1332-1355, 2017. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
263 Swiercz, R., Mo, M., Khare, P., Schneider, Z., Ober, R. J., and Ward, E. S. Loss of expression of the recycling receptor, FcRn, promotes tumor cell growth by increasing albumin consumption. Oncotarget, 8(2): 3528-3541, 2017. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
— Supplementary text
262 Taha, M., Ward, E.S., and Nam, H.-J. The x-Ray crystallographic structure of the human neonatal Fc receptor at acidic pH gives insights into pH-dependent conformational changes. Protein and Peptide Letters, 23(6): 525-529, 2016. Journal URL — Full text – PubMed
261 Chao, J., Ward, E. S., and Ober, R. J. Fisher information theory for parameter estimation in single molecule microscopy: tutorial. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 33(7): B36-B57, 2016. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
260 Velmurugan, R., Challa, D. K., Ram, S., Ober, R. J., and Ward, E. S. Macrophage-mediated trogocytosis leads to death of antibody-opsonized tumor cells. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics, 15(8): 1879-1889, 2016. Journal URL — Full text – PubMed
— Supplementary text
259 Challa, D. K., Mi, W., Lo, S.-T., Ober, R. J., and Ward, E. S. Antigen dynamics govern the induction of CD4+ T cell tolerance during autoimmunity. Journal of Autoimmunity, 72: 84-94, 2016. Journal URL — Full text – PubMed
— Supplementary text
258 Chao, J., Ram, S., Ward, E. S., and Ober, R. J. Investigating the usage of point spread functions in point source and microsphere localization. Proceedings of the SPIE International Symposium on Biomedical Optics: Three-Dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing XXIII, 9713: 97131M, San Francisco, CA, 2016. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
257 Ligocki, A. J., Rivas, J. R., Rounds, W. H., Guzman, A. A., Li, M., Spadaro, M., Lahey, L., Chen, D., Henson, P. M., Graves, D., Greenberg, B. M., Frohman, E. M., Ward, E. S., Robinson, W., Meinl, E., White, C. L., Stowe, A. M., and Monson, N. L. A distinct class of antibodies may be an indicator of gray matter autoimmunity in early and established relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis patients. ASN Neuro, 7(5): 1759091415609613, 2015. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
— Supplementary text
256 Tahmasbi, A., Ward, E. S., and Ober, R. J. New results on the single molecule localization problem in two and three dimensions. Proceedings of the SPIE, Nanoimaging and Nanospectroscopy III, 9554: 955402, San Diego, CA. 2015. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
255 Chao, J., Lee, T., Ward, E. S., and Ober, R. J. Fluorescent microspheres as point sources: a localization study. PLoS ONE, 10(7): e0134112, 2015. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
— Supplementary text
254 Chao, J., Ram, S., Lee, T., Ward, E. S., and Ober, R. J. Investigation of the numerics of point spread function integration in single molecule localization. Optics Express, 23(13): 16866-16883, 2015. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
253 Ward, E. S. and Ober, R. J. Commentary: “There’s been a flaw in our thinking”. Frontiers in Immunology, 6: 351, 2015. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
252 Lin, Z., Wong, Y., and Ober, R. J. Limit of the accuracy of parameter estimation for two molecules moving in close proximity. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 441- 444, May 2015, Lisbon, Portugal. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
251 Cohen, E. A. K., Kim, D., and Ober, R. J. Cramer-Rao lower bound for point based image registration with heteroscedastic error model for application in single molecule microscopy. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 34(12): 2632 – 2644, 2015. Journal URL— Full text — PubMed
250 Ward, E. S., Devanaboyina, S. C., and Ober, R. J. Targeting FcRn for the modulation of antibody dynamics. Molecular Immunology, 67(2): 131–141, 2015. Journal URL — PubMed
249 Tahmasbi, A., Ward, E. S., and Ober, R. J. Determination of localization accuracy based on experimentally acquired image sets: applications to single molecule microscopy. Optics Express, 23(6): 7630-7652, 2015. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
248 Tahmasbi, A., Ram, S., Chao, J., Ward, E. S., and Ober, R. J. An information-theoretic approach to designing the plane spacing for multifocal plane microscopy. Proceedings of the SPIE International Symposium on Biomedical Optics: Three-Dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing XXII, 9330: 933011, San Francisco, CA, 2015. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
247 Ober, R. J., Tahmasbi, A., Lin, Z., and Ward, E. S. Quantitative aspects of single-molecule microscopy: Information-theoretic analysis of single-molecule data. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 32(1): 58-69, 2015. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
246 Poovassery, J. S., Kang J. C., Kim, D., Ober, R. J., and Ward, E. S. Antibody targeting of HER2/HER3 signaling overcomes heregulin-induced resistance to PI3K inhibition in prostate cancer. International Journal of Cancer, 137(2): 267–277, 2015. Journal URL — PubMed
245 Challa, D. K., Velmurugan, R., Ober, R. J., and Ward, E. S. FcRn: From molecular interactions to regulation of IgG pharmacokinetics and functions. Fc Receptors, Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology, 382: 249-272, 2014. Journal URL — PubMed
244 Wong, Y., Chao, J., Lin, Z., and Ober, R. J. Effect of time discretization of the imaging process on the accuracy of trajectory estimation in fluorescence microscopy. Optics Express, 22(17): 20396-20420, 2014. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
243 Ram, S., Kim, D., Ober, R. J., and Ward, E. S. The level of HER2 expression is a predictor of antibody-HER2 trafficking behavior in cancer cells. mAbs, 6(5): 1211-1219, 2014. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
— Supplementary text
242 Tahmasbi, A., Ram, S., Chao, J., Abraham, A. V., Tang, F. W., Ward, E. S., and Ober, R. J. Designing the focal plane spacing for multifocal plane microscopy. Optics Express, 22(14): 16706-16721, 2014. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
— Software
241 Swiercz, R., Chiguru, S., Tahmasbi, A., Ramezani, S. M., Hao, G., Challa, D. K., Lewis, M. A., Kulkarni, P. V., Sun, X., Ober, R. J., Mason, R. P., and Ward, E. S. Use of Fc-engineered antibodies as clearing agents to increase contrast during PET. The Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 55(7): 1204-1207, 2014. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
—Supplementary text
240 Ward, E. S., Velmurugan, R., and Ober, R. J. Targeting FcRn for therapy: from live cell imaging to in vivo studies in mice. Immunology Letters, 160(2): 158-162, 2014. Journal URL— PubMed
239 Kang, J. C., Poovassery, J. S., Bansal, P., You, S., Manjarres, I. M., Ober, R. J., and Ward, E. S. Engineering multivalent antibodies to target heregulin-induced HER3 signaling in breast cancer cells. mAbs, 6(2): 340-353, 2014. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
—Supplementary text
238 Lin, Z., Wong, Y., and Ober, R. J. Influence of prior knowledge on the accuracy limit of parameter estimation in single-molecule fluorescence microscopy. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 1304-1307, Beijing, China, 2013. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
237 Devanaboyina, S., Lynch, S. M., Ober, R. J., Ram, S., Kim, D., Puig-Canto, A., Breen, S., Kasturirangan, S., Fowler, S., Peng, L., Zhong, H., Jermutus, L., Wu, H., Webster, C., Ward, E. S., and Gao, C. The effect of pH dependence of antibody-antigen interactions on subcellular trafficking dynamics. mAbs, 5(6): 849-857, 2013. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
— Supplementary text
236 Cohen, E. A. K. and Ober, R. J. Analysis of point based image registration errors with applications in single molecule microscopy. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 61(24): 6291-6306, 2013. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
235 Challa, D. K., Bussmeyer, U., Khan, T., Montoyo, H. P., Bansal, P., Ober, R.J., and Ward, E. S. Autoantibody depletion ameliorates disease in murine experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. mAbs, 5(5): 655-659, 2013. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
234 Bansal, P., Khan, T., Bussmeyer, U., Challa, D. K., Swiercz, R., Velmurugan, R., Ober, R. J., and Ward, E. S. The encephalitogenic, human myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein-induced antibody repertoire is directed toward multiple epitopes in C57BL/6 mice. Journal of Immunology, 191(3): 1091-1101, 2013. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
—Supplementary text
233 Chao, J., Ram, S., Ward, E. S., and Ober, R. J. Ultrahigh accuracy imaging modality for super-localization microscopy. Nature Methods, 10(4): 335-338, 2013. Journal URL — PubMed —Supplementary text
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232 Chao, J., Ram, S., Ward, E. S., and Ober, R. J. Two approximations for the geometric model of signal amplification in an electron-multiplying charge-coupled device detector. Proceedings of the SPIE International Symposium on Biomedical Optics: Three-Dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing XX, 8589: 858905, San Francisco, CA, 2013. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
231 Gan, Z., Ram, S., Ober, R. J., and Ward, E. S. Using multifocal plane microscopy to reveal novel trafficking processes on the recycling pathway. Journal of Cell Science, 126(5): 1176-1188, 2013. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
— Supplementary text
230 Ram, S., Ward, E. S., and Ober, R. J. A stochastic analysis of distance estimation approaches in single molecule microscopy – quantifying the resolution limits of photon-limited imaging systems. Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing, 24(3): 503-542, 2013. Journal URL — Full text pdf-icon — PubMed pdf-icon
229 Cohen, E. A. K. and Ober, R. J. Measurement errors in fluorescence microscopy image registration. In Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 1602-1606, Pacific Grove, CA, 2012. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
228 Ram, S., Kim, D., Ward, E. S., and Ober, R. J. 3D single molecule tracking with multifocal plane microscopy reveals rapid intercellular transferrin transport at epithelial cell barriers. Biophysical Journal, 103(7): 1594-1603, 2012. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
— Supplementary text
227 Zheng, J., Umikawa, M., Cui, C., Li, J., Chen, X., Zhang, C., Huynh, H., Kang, X., Silvany, R., Wan, X., Ye, J., Puig Cantó, A., Chen, S., Wang, H., Ward, E. S., and Zhang, C. Inhibitory receptors bind ANGPTLs and support blood stem cells and leukaemia development. Nature, 485: 656-660, 2012. Journal URL — PubMed — Supplementary text
226 Ward, E. S. and Ober, R. J. The diverse roles of FcRn: implications for antibody engineering. Therapeutic Proteins: strategies to modulate their plasma half-lives, John Wiley & Sons, May 15, 2012. Chapter URL
225 Chao, J., Ward, E. S., and Ober, R. J. Localization accuracy in single molecule microscopy using electron-multiplying charge-coupled device cameras. Proceedings of the SPIE International Symposium on Biomedical Optics: Three-Dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing XIX, 8227: 82271P, 2012. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
224 Wong, Y., Lin, Z., and Ober, R. J. Effect of time discretization on the limit of the accuracy of parameter estimation for moving single molecules imaged by fluorescence microscopy. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, 1228-1231, Barcelona, Spain, 2012. Journal URL — Full text
223 Cohen, E. A. K. and Ober, R. J. Image registration error analysis with applications in single molecule microscopy. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, 996 – 999, Barcelona, Spain, 2012. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
222 Ram, S., Ward, E. S., and Ober, R. J. 3D single molecule tracking and superresolution microscopy using multifocal plane microscopy. Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, 914 – 915, Barcelona, Spain, 2012. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
221 Chao, J., Ward, E. S., and Ober, R. J. Fisher information matrix for branching processes with application to electron-multiplying charge-coupled devices. Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing, 23: 349-379, 2012. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
220 Patel, D., Puig-Canto, A., Challa, D. K., Montoyo, H. P., Ober, R. J., and Ward, E. S. Neonatal Fc receptor blockade by Fc engineering amerliorates arthritis in a murine model. Journal of Immunology, 187: 1015-1022, 2011. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
219 Wong, Y., Lin, Z., and Ober, R. J. Limit of the accuracy of parameter estimation for moving single molecules imaged by fluorescence microscopy. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 59: 895-911, 2011. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
218 Chao, J., Ward, E. S., and Ober, R. J. A software framework for the analysis of complex microscopy image data. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 14: 1075-1087, 2010. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
— Software
217 Ram, S., Prabhat, P., Chao, J., Ward, E. S., and Ober, R. J. Three-dimensional single molecule tracking of quantum-dot labeled antibody molecules using multifocal plane microscopy. Proceedings of the SPIE International Symposium on Biomedical Optics: Colloidal Quantum Dots for Biomedical Applications V, 7575: 75750J, San Francisco, CA, 2010. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
216 Abraham, A. V., Ram, S., Chao, J., Ward, E. S., and Ober, R. J. Comparison of estimation algorithms in single-molecule localization. Proceedings of the SPIE International Symposium on Biomedical Optics: Three-dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing XVII, 7570: 757004, San Francisco, CA, 2010. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
215 Cameron, E., Spencer, S., Lazarini, J., Harp, C., Racke, M.K., Ward, E.S., Frohman, E., and Monson, N. Potential of a unique antibody gene signature to predict conversion to clinically definite MS. Journal of Neuroimmunology, 213: 123-130. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
— Supplementary text
214 Chao, J., Ward, E. S., and Ober, R. J. Fisher information for EMCCD imaging with application to single molecule microscopy. The Forty Fourth Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers (ASILOMAR), 1085-1089, Pacific Grove, CA, 2010. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
213 Maverakis, E., Menezes, J.S., Ametani, A., Han, M., Stevens, D. B., He, Y., Wang, Y., Ono, Y., Miyamura, Y., Lam, K.S., Ward, E. S., and Sercarz, E. E. Molecular mimics can induce a nonautoaggressive repertoire that preempts induction of autoimmunity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 107: 2550-2555, 2010. Journal URL— Full text — PubMed
— Supplementary text
212 Abraham, A. V., Ram, S., Chao, J., Ward, E. S., and Ober, R. J. Quantitative study of single molecule location estimation techniques. Optics Express, 17: 23352-23373, 2009. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
— Software
211 Chao, J., Ram, S., Ward, E. S., and Ober, R. J. A comparative study of high resolution microscopy imaging modalities using a three-dimensional resolution measure. Optics Express, 17: 24377-24402, 2009. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
210 Ward, E. S. and Ober, R. J. Multi-tasking by exploitation of intracellular transport functions: the many faces of FcRn. Advances in Immunology, 103: 77-115, 2009. Journal URL — PubMed
209 Chao, J., Ram, S., Ward, E. S., and Ober, R. J. A 3D resolution measure for optical microscopy. Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, 1115-1118, Boston, MA, 2009. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
208 Pastor, S., Minguela, A., Mi, W., and Ward, E. S. Autoantigen immunization at different sites reveals a role for anti – inflammatory effects of IFN-gamma in regulating susceptibility to experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Journal of Immunology, 182: 5268-5275, 2009. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
207 Ram, S., Prabhat, P., Ward, E. S., and Ober, R. J. Improved single particle localization accuracy with dual objective multifocal plane microscopy. Optics Express, 17: 6881- 6898, 2009. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
206 Chao, J., Ram, S., Abraham, A. V., Ward, E. S., and Ober, R. J. A resolution measure for three – dimensional microscopy. Optics Communications, 282: 1751-1761, 2009. Journal URL — PubMed
205 Ram, S., Prabhat, P., Ward, E. S., and Ober, R. J. Dual objective fluorescence microscopy for single molecule imaging applications. In Proceedings of the SPIE International Symposium on Biomedical Optics: Three-Dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing XVI, 7184: 71840C, San Jose, CA, 2009. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
204 Montoyo, HP., Vaccaro, C., Hafner, M., Ober, R. J., Mueller, W., and Ward, E. S. Conditional deletion of the MHC class I-related receptor FcRn reveals the sites of IgG homeostasis in mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 106: 2788-2793, 2009. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
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203 Gan, Z., Ram, S., Vaccaro, C., Ober, R. J., and Ward, E. S. Analyses of the recycling receptor, FcRn, in live cells reveal novel pathways for lysosomal delivery. Traffic, 10: 600-614, 2009. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
202 Mi, W., Wanjie, S., Lo, S. T., Gan, Z., Pickl-Herk, B., Ober, R. J., and Ward, E. S. Targeting the neonatal Fc receptor for antigen delivery using engineered Fc fragments. Journal of Immunology, 181: 7550-7561, 2008. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
201 Ram, S., Prabhat, P., Chao, J., Ward, E. S., and Ober, R. J. High accuracy 3D quantum dot tracking with multifocal plane microscopy for the study of fast intracellular dynamics in live cells. Biophysical Journal, 95: 6025-6043, 2008. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
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200 Ram, S., Prabhat, P., Chao, J., Abraham, A. V., Ward, E. S., and Ober, R. J. Localizing single molecules in three dimensions – a brief review. In Proceedings of the 42nd Asilomar conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers (invited talk), 64-66, Pacific Grove, CA, October 26-29, 2008. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
199 Chao, J., Ram, S., Ward, E. S., and Ober R. J. 3D resolution measure for multifocal plane microscopy. In Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, 1339-1342, May 14-17, 2008. Journal URL —Full text — PubMed
198 Chao, J., Ram, S., Abraham, A. V., Ward, E. S., and Ober, R. J. Resolution in 3D in multifocal plane microscopy. In Proceedings of the SPIE, Three-Dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing XV, 6861: 68610Q, San Jose, CA, 2008. Journal URL — Full text
197 Ram, S., Chao, J., Prabhat, P., Ward, E. S., and Ober, R. J. Overcoming the depth discrimination barrier in widefield microscopes: 3D single molecule tracking with high axial accuracy. In Proceedings of the SPIE, Single Molecule Spectroscopy and Imaging, 6862: 68620O, San Jose, CA, 2008. Journal URL — Full text
196 Minguela, A., Pastor, S., Mi, W., Richardson, J. A., and Ward, E. S. Feedback regulation of murine autoimmunity via dominant anti-inflammatory effects of interferon gamma. Journal of Immunology, 178: 134-144, 2007. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
195 Lambracht-Washington, D., O’Connor, K. C., Cameron, E., Jowdry, A., Ward, E. S., Frohman, E., Racke, M. K., and Monson, N. L. Antigen specificity of clonally expanded and receptor edited cerebrospinal fluid B cells from patients with relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neuroimmunology, 186: 164-176, 2007. Journal URL — PubMed
194 Prabhat, P., Gan, Z., Chao, J., Ram, S., Vaccaro, C., Gibbons, S., Ober, R. J., and Ward, E. S. Elucidation of intracellular recycling pathways leading to exocytosis of the Fc receptor, FcRn, using multifocal plane microscopy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 104: 5889-5894, 2007. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
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193 Ram, S., Prabhat, P., Chao, J., Ward, E. S., and Ober, R. J. Resolution beyond Rayleigh’s criterion: a modern resolution measure with applications to single molecule imaging. In Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE, Dallas Engineering in Medicine and Biology, 110-113, 2007. Journal URL — Full text
192 Chao, J., Long, P, Ward, E. S., and Ober, R. J. Design and application of the Microscopy Image Analysis Tool. In Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE, Dallas Engineering in Medicine and Biology, 94-97, 2007. Journal URL — Full text
191 Ram, S., Chao, J., Prabhat, P., Abraham, A., Ward, E. S., and Ober, R. J. Breaking resolution limits: advances and challenges in single molecule microscopy. Proceedings of the 41st Asilomar conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, 1284-1287, Pacific Grove, CA, November 4-7, 2007. Journal URL — Full text
190 Ram, S., Ward, E. S., and Ober, R. J. Breaking the resolution barrier in optical microscopy: a new resolution measure with applications to single molecule imaging. In Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, 928-931, Metro Washington DC, April 12-15, 2007. Journal URL — Full text
189 Ram, S., Chao, J., Prabhat, P., Ward, E. S., and Ober, R. J. A novel approach to determining the three-dimensional location of microscopic objects with applications to 3D particle tracking. Proceedings of SPIE on Three-Dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing XIV, 6443: 6443-0C, 2007. Journal URL — Full text
188 Ram, S., Abraham, A. V., Ward, E. S., and Ober, R. J. A novel 3D resolution measure for optical microscopes with applications to single molecule imaging. Ultrasensitive and Single-Molecule Detection Technologies II. SPIE International Symposium on Biomedical Optics (BiOS), 6444: 6440-D9, 2007. Journal URL — Full text
187 Zou, Q., Lin, Z., and Ober, R. J. The Cramer-Rao lower bound for bilinear systems. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 54: 1666-1680, 2006. Journal URL — Full text
186 Ram, S., Ward, E. S., and Ober, R. J. A stochastic analysis of performance limits for optical microscopes. Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing, 17: 27-57, 2006. Journal URL — Full text
185 Ram, S., Ward, E. S., and Ober, R. J. Beyond Rayleigh’s criterion: a resolution measure with application to single-molecule microscopy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 103: 4457-4462, 2006. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
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184 Ram, S., Ward, E. S., and Ober, R. J. A novel resolution measure for optical microscopes: stochastic analysis of the performance limits. In Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: Macro to Nano, 770-773, Arlington, VA, April 6-9, 2006. Journal URL — Full text
183 Pastor, S., Vaccaro, C. G., Minguela, A., Ober, R. J., and Ward, E. S. Analyses of TCR clustering at the T cell-antigen-presenting cell interface and its impact on the activation of naive CD4+ T cells. International Immunology, 18: 1615-1625, 2006. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
182 Vaccaro, C., Bawdon, R., Wanjie, S., Ober, R. J., and Ward, E. S. Divergent activities of an engineered antibody in murine and human systems have implications for therapeutic antibodies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 103: 18709-18714, 2006. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
181 Ram, S., Ward, E. S., and Ober, R. J. A novel stochastic resolution criterion for fluorescence microscopes. In Proceedings of the SPIE International Symposium on Biomedical Optics: Three-Dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing XIII, 6090: 60900J, San Jose, CA, 2006. Journal URL — Full text
180 Prabhat, P., Ram, S., Ward, E. S., and Ober, R. J. Simultaneous imaging of several focal planes in fluorescence microscopy for the study of cellular dynamics in 3D. In Proceedings of the SPIE International Symposium on Biomedical Optics: Three-Dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing XIII, 6090: 60900L, San Jose, CA, 2006. Journal URL — Full text – PubMed
179 Ram, S., Ward, E. S., and Ober, R. J. Resolution of optical microscope redefined. Biophotonics international, 13: 42-45, 2006. Journal URL — Full text
178 Ober, R. J., Lai, X., Lin, Z., and Ward, E. S. State space realization of a three-dimensional image set with application to noise reduction of fluorescent microscopy images of cells. Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing, 16: 7-47, 2005. Journal URL — Full text
177 Huang, J. C., Ober, R. J., and Ward, E. S. The central residues of a T cell receptor sequence motif are key determinants of autoantigen recognition in murine experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. European Journal of Immunology, 35: 299-304, 2005. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
176 Ram, S., Ward, E. S., and Ober, R. J. How accurately can a single molecule be localized in three dimensions using a fluorescence microscope? In Proceedings of the SPIE International Symposium on Biomedical Optics: Imaging, Manipulation, and Analysis of Biomolecules and Cells: Fundamentals and Applications III, 5699: 426-435, San Jose, CA, 2005. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
175 Zhou, J., Mateos, F., Ober, R. J., and Ward, E. S. Conferring the binding properties of the mouse MHC class I-related receptor, FcRn, onto the human ortholog by sequential rounds of site-directed mutagenesis. Journal of Molecular Biology, 345: 1071-1081, 2005. Journal URL — PubMed
174 Lin, Z., Zou, Q., Ward, E. S., and Ober, R. J. Cramer-Rao lower bound for parameter estimation in nonlinear systems. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 12: 855-858, 2005. Journal URL
173 Vaccaro, C., Zhou, J., Ober, R. J., and Ward, E. S. Engineering the Fc region of immunoglobulin G to modulate in vivo antibody levels. Nature Biotechnology, 23: 1283-1288, 2005. Journal URL — PubMed
172 Lai, X., Ward, E. S., Lin, Z., and Ober, R. J. Three-dimensional state space realization algorithm: noise suppression of fluorescence microscopy images and point spread functions. In Proceedings of the SPIE International Symposium on Biomedical Optics: Three-Dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing XII, 5701: 53-60, San Jose, CA, 2005. Journal URL — Full text
171 Lin, Z, Zou, Q., and Ober, R. J. The CRLB for BIlinear systems and its biomedical applications. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2005), 2: 1338-1341, 2005. Journal URL — Full text
170 Ober, R. J., Lin, Z., and Zou, Q. On the identifiability of bilinear systems. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2005), 4: 3769-3772, 2005. Journal URL — Full text
169 Ward, E. S., Martinez, C., Vaccaro, C., Zhou, J., Tang, Q., and Ober, R. J. From sorting endosomes to exocytosis: association of Rab4 and Rab11 GTPases with the Fc receptor, FcRn, during recycling. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 16: 2028-2038, 2005. Journal URL —Full text — PubMed
168 Lai, X., Lin, Z., Ward, E. S., and Ober, R. J. Noise suppression of point spread functions and its influence on deconvolution of three-dimensional fluorescence microscopy image sets. Journal of Microscopy, 217: 93-108, 2005. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
167 Ober, R. J., Ram, S., and Ward, E. S. Localization accuracy in single-molecule microscopy. Biophysical Journal, 86: 1185-1200, 2004. Journal URL — Full text —PubMed
166 Ober, R. J., Martinez, C., Vaccaro, C., Zhou, J., and Ward, E. S. Visualizing the site and dynamics of IgG salvage by the MHC class I-related receptor, FcRn. Journal of Immunology, 172: 2021-2029, 2004. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
165 Hunt, L. R., Sally Ward, E., and Ober, R. J. Approximation of trajectories of non-linear systems by iterates of systems with linear state dynamics. Systems and Control Letters, 51: 377-381, 2004. Journal URL
164 Ober, R. J., Martinez, C., Lai, X., Zhou, J., and Ward, E. S. Exocytosis of IgG as mediated by the receptor, FcRn: an analysis at the single-molecule level. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 101: 11076-11081, 2004. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
163 Prabhat, P., Ram, S., Ward, E. S., and Ober, R. J. Simultaneous imaging of different focal planes in fluorescence microscopy for the study of cellular dynamics in three dimensions. IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience, 3: 237-242, 2004. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
162 Ram, S., Ward, E. S., and Ober, R. J. How accurately can a single molecule be localized when imaged through an optical microscope? In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, 1087-1090, 2004. Journal URL— Full text — PubMed
161 Ober, R. J., Lai, X., Lin, Z., and Ward, E. S. A state space approach to noise reduction of 3D fluorescent microscopy images. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP ’04), 1153-1156, 2004. Journal URL — Full text
160 Ward, E. S. Acquiring maternal immunoglobulin: different receptors, similar functions. Immunity, 20: 507-508, 2004. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
159 Huang, J. C., Vestberg, M., Minguela, A., Holmdahl, R., and Ward, E. S. Analysis of autoreactive T cells associated with murine collagen-induced arthritis using peptide-MHC multimers. International Immunology, 16: 283-293, 2004. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
158 Ober, R. J. and Ward, E. S. MIATool: a software environment to analyze fluorescence microscopy image sets, 2004. Software URL
157 Ober, R. J., Caves, J., and Ward, E. S. Analysis of exponential data using a noniterative technique: application to surface plasmon experiments. Analytical Biochemistry, 312: 57-65, 2003. Journal URL — PubMed
156 Ward, E. S., Zhou, J., Ghetie, V., and Ober, R. J. Evidence to support the cellular mechanism involved in serum IgG homeostasis in humans. International Immunology, 15: 187-195, 2003. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
155 Zhou, J., Johnson, J. E., Ghetie, V., Ober, R. J., and Ward, E. S. Generation of mutated variants of the human form of the MHC class I-related receptor, FcRn, with increased affinity for mouse immunoglobulin G. Journal of Molecular Biology, 332: 901-913, 2003. Journal URL — PubMed
154 Ober, R. J., Zou, Q., and Lin, Z. Calculation of the Fisher information matrix for multidimensional data sets. IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 51: 2679-2691, 2003. Journal URL
153 Lin, Z., Zou, Q., and Ober, R. J. The Fisher information matrix for two-dimensional data sets. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 3: 453-456, 2003. Journal URL
152 Zou, Q., Lin, Z., and Ober, R. J. The Fisher information matrix for two-dimensional separable-denominator continuous systems. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2003), 3: 714-717, 2003. Journal URL
151 Huang, J. C., Han, M., Minguela, A., Pastor, S., Qadri, A., and Ward, E. S. T cell recognition of distinct peptide:I-Au conformers in murine experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Journal of Immunology, 171: 2467-2477, 2003. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
150 Braciak, T., Pedersen, B., Chin, J., Hsiao, C., Ward, E. S., Maricic, I., Jahng, A., Graham, F., Gauldie, J., Sercarz, E., and Kumar, V. Protection Against Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis Generated by a Recombinant Adenovirus Vector Expressing the V8.2 TCR Is Disrupted by Coadministration with Vectors Expressing Either IL-4 or -10. Journal of Immunology, 170: 765-774, 2003. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
149 Cianga, P., Cianga, C., Cozma, L., Ward, E. S., and Carasevici, E. The MHC class I related Fc receptor, FcRn, is expressed in the epithelial cells of the human mammary gland. Human Immunology, 64: 1152-1159, 2003. Journal URL — PubMed
148 Ober, R. J. and Ward, E. S. SPRTool: a software environment to analyze optical biosensor data for the determination of interaction constants of protein-protein (or other macromolecule) interaction constants, 2003. Software
147 Hanzon, B. and Ober, R. J. State-space calculations for discrete probability densities. Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 350: 67-87, 2002. Journal URL
146 Ramakrishna, V., Ober, R. J., Flores, K., and Rabitz, H. Control of a coupled two-spin system without hard pulses. Physical Review A, 65: 063405, 2002. Journal URL
145 Ober, R. J. and Ward, E. S. Compensation for loss of ligand activity in surface plasmon resonance experiments. Analytical Biochemistry, 306: 228-236, 2002. Journal URL— PubMed
144 Ober, R. J., Lin, Z., Ye, H., and Ward, E. S. Achievable accuracy of parameter estimation for multidimensional NMR experiments. Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 157:1-16, 2002. Journal URL — PubMed
143 Ober, R. J. The Fisher information matrix for linear systems. Systems & Control Letters, 47: 221-226, 2002. Journal URL
142 Deng, C., Minguela, A., Hussain, R. Z., Lovett-Racke, A. E., Radu, C., Ward, E. S., and Racke, M. K. Expression of the tyrosine phosphatase SRC homology 2 domain-containing protein tyrosine phosphatase 1 determines T cell activation threshold and severity of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Journal of Immunology, 168: 4511-4518, 2002. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
141 Backlund, J., Treschow, A., Firan, M., Malmstrom, V., Issazadeh-Navikas, S., Ward, E. S., and Holmdahl, R. Reversal of tolerance induced by transplantation of skin expressing the immunodominant T cell epitope of rat type II collagen entitles development of collagen-induced arthritis but not graft rejection. European Journal of Immunology, 32: 1773-1783, 2002. Journal URL— Full text — PubMed
140 Spiekermann, G. M., Finn, P. W., Ward, E. S., Dumont, J., Dickinson, B. L., Blumberg, R. S., and Lencer, W. I. Receptor-mediated immunoglobulin G transport across mucosal barriers in adult life: functional expression of FcRn in the mammalian lung. The Journal of Experimental Medicine, 196: 303-310, 2002. Journal URL — PubMed
139 Dall’Acqua, W. F., Woods, R. M., Ward, E. S., Palaszynski, S. R., Patel, N. K., Brewah, Y. A., Wu, H., Kiener, P. A., and Langermann, S. Increasing the affinity of a human IgG1 for the neonatal Fc receptor: biological consequences. Journal of Immunology, 169: 5171-5180, 2002. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
138 He, X. L., Radu, C., Sidney, J., Sette, A., Ward, E. S., and Garcia, K. C. Structural snapshot of aberrant antigen presentation linked to autoimmunity: the immunodominant epitope of MBP complexed with I-Au. Immunity, 17: 83-94, 2002. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
137 Ghetie, V. and Ward, E. S. Transcytosis and catabolism of antibody. Immunology Research, 25: 97-113, 2002. Journal URL — PubMed
136 Garcia, K. C., Radu, C. G., Ho, J., Ober, R. J., and Ward, E. S. Kinetics and thermodynamics of T cell receptor- autoantigen interactions in murine experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 98: 6818-6823, 2001. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
135 Firan, M., Bawdon, R., Radu, C., Ober, R. J., Eaken, D., Antohe, F., Ghetie, V., and Ward, E. S. The MHC class I-related receptor, FcRn, plays an essential role in the maternofetal transfer of gamma-globulin in humans. International Immunology, 13: 993-1002, 2001. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
134 Hanzon, B. and Ober, R. J. A state-space calculus for rational probability density functions and applications to non-Gaussian filtering. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 40: 724-740, 2001. Journal URL
133 Ober, R. J., Radu, C. G., Ghetie, V., and Ward, E. S. Differences in promiscuity for antibody-FcRn interactions across species: implications for therapeutic antibodies.International Immunology, 13: 1551-1559, 2001. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
132 Ramakrishna, V., Ober, R. J., Flores, K. L., and Rabitz, H. Constructive control of a spin system via periodic control. Proceedings of the 40th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 1: 292-297, 2001. Journal URL — Full text
131 Anderton, S. M., Radu, C. G., Lowrey, P. A., Ward, E. S., and Wraith, D. C. Negative selection during the peripheral immune response to antigen. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 193: 1-11, 2001. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
130 Kumar, V., Maglione, J., Thatte, J., Pederson, B., Sercarz, E., and Ward, E. S. Induction of a type 1 regulatory CD4 T cell response following V beta 8.2 DNA vaccination results in immune deviation and protection from experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. International Immunology, 13: 835-841, 2001. Journal URL — PubMed
129 Machius, M., Cianga, P., Deisenhofer, J., and Ward, E. S. Crystal structure of a T cell receptor Valpha11 (AV11S5) domain: new canonical forms for the first and second complementarity determining regions. Journal of Molecular Biology, 310: 689-698, 2001. Journal URL
128 Qadri, A. and Ward, E. S. Activation of a T cell hybridoma by an alloligand results in differential effects on IL-2 secretion and activation-induced cell death. European Journal of Immunology, 31: 3825-3832, 2001. Journal URL — Full text — PubMed
127 Ramakrishna, V., Ober, R. J., and Rabitz, H. Control of some quantum systems-the role of phases. Proceedings of the IFAC-NOLCOS, 1495-1502, 2001. – Journal URL
126 Ramakrishna, V., Ober, R. J., Sun, X., Steuernagel, O., Botina, J., and Rabitz, H. Explicit generation of unitary transformations in a single atom or molecule. Physical Review A, 61:032106, 2000. Journal URL
125 Qadri, A., Radu, C. G., Thatte, J., Cianga, P., Ober, B. T., Ober, R. J., and Ward, E. S. A role for the region encompassing the c” strand of a TCR V alpha domain in T cell activation events. Journal of Immunology, 165: 820-829, 2000. Journal URL — Full text
124 Gheondea, A. and Ober, R. J. A note on the existence, uniqueness, and symmetry of par-balanced realizations for infinite dimensional systems. Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 37: 423-436, 2000. Journal URL
123 Ramakrishna, V., Flores, K., Rabitz, H., and Ober, R. J. Quantum control by decomposition of SU(2). Physical Review A, 6205: 3409, 2000. Journal URL
122 Ober, R. J., Ramakrishna, V., and Ward, E. S. NMR spectroscopy: systems, transfer functions, reachability and other system theoretic notions. Proceedings of the 39th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2: 1370-1375, 2000. Journal URL
121 Ramakrishna, V., Flores, K. L., Rabitz, H., and Ober, R. J. Constructive controllability for systems with drift motivated by and applied to quantum control. Proceedings of the 39th IEEE Conference on Decisions and Control, 1: 955-960, 2000. Journal URL
120 Ghetie, V. and Ward, E. S. Multiple roles for the major histocompatibility complex class I- related receptor FcRn. Annual Review of Immunology, 18: 739-766, 2000. Journal URL
119 Radu, C. G., Anderton, S. M., Firan, M., Wraith, D. C., and Ward, E. S. Detection of autoreactive T cells in H-2u mice using peptide-MHC multimers. International Immunology, 12: 1553-1560, 2000. Journal URL — Full text
118 Ober, R. J. An introduction to the shift realization for finite dimensional continuous time systems. International Journal of Control, 72: 332-344, 1999. Journal URL
117 Gheondea, A. and Ober, R. J. A Trace Formula for Hankel Operators. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 127: 2007-2012, 1999. Journal URL
116 Gheondea, A. and Ober, R. J. Completely J-positive linear systems of finite order. Mathematische Nachrichten, 203: 75-101, 1999. Journal URL
115 Ober, R. J. and Ward, E. S. The choice of reference cell in the analysis of kinetic data using BIAcore. Analytical Biochemistry, 271: 70-80, 1999. Journal URL
114 Ober, R. J. and Ward, E. S. The influence of signal noise on the accuracy of kinetic constants measured by surface plasmon resonance experiments. Analytical Biochemistry, 273: 49-59, 1999. Journal URL
113 Ober, R. J., Ramakrishna, V., and Ward, E. S. On the role of reachability and observability in NMR experimentation. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 26: 15-26, 1999. Journal URL
112 Thatte, J., Qadri, A., Radu, C., and Ward, E. S. Molecular requirements for T cell recognition by a major histocompatibility complex class II-restricted T cell receptor: the involvement of the fourth hypervariable loop of the Valpha domain. The Journal of Experimental Medicine, 189: 509-520, 1999. Journal URL
111 Aroeira, L. S., Mouton, C. G., Toran, J. L., Ward, E. S., and Martinez, C. Anti-Vbeta8 antibodies induce and maintain staphylococcal enterotoxin B-triggered Vbeta8+ T cell anergy. European Journal of Immunology, 29: 437-445, 1999. Journal URL
110 Qadri, A., Thatte, J., Radu, C. G., Ober, B., and Ward, E. S. Characterization of the interaction of a TCR alpha chain variable domain with MHC II I-A molecules. International Immunology, 11: 967-977, 1999. Journal URL
109 Cianga, P., Medesan, C., Richardson, J. A., Ghetie, V., and Ward, E. S. Identification and function of neonatal Fc receptor in mammary gland of lactating mice. European Journal of Immunology, 29: 2515-2523, 1999. Journal URL
108 Kim, J. K., Firan, M., Radu, C. G., Kim, C. H., Ghetie, V., and Ward, E. S. Mapping the site on human IgG for binding of the MHC class I-related receptor, FcRn. European Journal of Immunology, 29: 2819-2825, 1999. Journal URL
107 Schuck, P., Radu, C. G., and Ward, E. S. Sedimentation equilibrium analysis of recombinant mouse FcRn with murine IgG1. Molecular Immunology, 36: 1117-1125, 1999. Journal URL
106 Ober, R. J. Asymptotic stabilization of infinite-dimensional systems which cannot be exponentially stabilized. Systems & Control Letters, 35: 61-63, 1998. Journal URL
105 Hanzon, B. and Ober, R. J. Overlapping balanced canonical forms for various classes of linear systems. Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 281: 171-225, 1998. Journal URL
104 Ramakrishna, V., Ober, R. J., and Rabitz, H. Explicit generation of states in quantum control. Mathematical Theory of Network and Systems: Proceedings of the 98′ MTNS, 1071-1073, 1998.
103 Ober, R. J., Ward, E. S., and Ramakrishna, V. On the role of reachability in the analysis of NMR experiments. Mathematical Theory of Network and Systems: Proceedings of the 98′ MTNS, 1059-1062, 1998. Journal URL
102 Ober, R. J. and Ward, E. S. On the class of attainable multidimensional NMR spectra. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 22: 1-10, 1998. Journal URL
101 Radu, C. G., Ober, B. T., Colantonio, L., Qadri, A., and Ward, E. S. Expression and characterization of recombinant soluble peptide: I-A complexes associated with murine experimental autoimmune diseases. Journal of Immunology, 160: 5915-5921, 1998. Journal URL
100 Medesan, C., Cianga, P., Mummert, M., Stanescu, D., Ghetie, V., and Ward, E. S. Comparative studies of rat IgG to further delineate the Fc:FcRn interaction site. European Journal of Immunology, 28: 2092-2100, 1998. Journal URL
99 Borvak, J., Richardson, J., Medesan, C., Antohe, F., Radu, C., Simionescu, M., Ghetie, V., and Ward, E. S. Functional expression of the MHC class I-related receptor, FcRn, in endothelial cells of mice. International Immunology, 10: 1289-1298, 1998. Journal URL
98 Hanzon, B. and Ober, R. J. Overlapping block-balanced canonical form and parametrizations: the stable SISO case. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 35: 228-242, 1997. Journal URL
97 Ghetie, V., Popov, S., Borvak, J., Radu, C., Matesoi, D., Medesan, C., Ober, R. J., and Ward, E. S. Increasing the serum persistence of an IgG fragment by random mutagenesis. Nature Biotechnology, 15: 637-640, 1997. Journal URL
96 Gheondea, A. and Ober, R. J. Spectral minimality of J-positive linear systems of finite order. In Operators, Systems and Linear Algebra, pages: 70-80, B.G. Teubner, 1997. Journal URL
95 Ober, R. J. and Ward, E. S. On the class of attainable multidimensional NMR spectra. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 22: 1-10, 1997. Journal URL
94 Ober, R. J. Another look at realization theory. In Proceedings of the 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 4: 3785-3790, 1997. Journal URL
93 Ward, E. S. and Qadri, A. Biophysical and structural studies of T cell receptors and ligands: implications in T cell signaling. Current Opinions in Immunology, 9: 97-106, 1997. Journal URL
92 Ghetie, V. and Ward, E. S. FcRn: the MHC class I-related receptor that is more than an IgG transporter. Immunology Today, 18: 592-598, 1997. Journal URL
91 Medesan, C., Matesoi, D., Radu, C., Ghetie, V., and Ward, E. S. Delineation of the amino acid residues involved in transcytosis and catabolism of mouse IgG1. Journal of Immunology, 158: 2211-2217, 1997. Journal URL
90 Li, H., Lebedeva, M. I., Ward, E. S., and Mariuzza, R. A. Dual conformations of a T cell receptor V alpha homodimer: implications for variability in V alpha V beta domain association. Journal of Molecular Biology, 269: 385-394, 1997. Journal URL
89 Kumar, V., Coulsell, E., Ober, B., Hubbard, G., Sercarz, E., and Ward, E. S. Recombinant T cell receptor molecules can prevent and reverse experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis: dose effects and involvement of both CD4 and CD8 T cells. Journal of Immunology, 159: 5150-5156, 1997. Journal URL
88 Ober, R. J. and Wu, Y. Infinite dimensional continuous-time linear systems:stability and structure analysis. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 34: 757-812, 1996. Journal URL
87 Ober, R. J. Balanced canonical forms. Identification, Adaptation, Learning: The Science of Learning Models from Data, pages: 120-179, Springer-Verlag, New York, 1996. Journal URL
86 Ober, R. J. On Stieltjes functions and Hankel operators. Systems & Control Letters, 27: 275-277, 1996. Journal URL
85 Ober, R. J. and Ward, E. S. System theoretic formulation of NMR experiments. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 20: 47-65, 1996. Journal URL
84 Ober, R. J. System theoretic aspects of completely symmetric systems. Recent Developments in Operator Theory: Advances and Applications, pages: 233-262, Birkhaeuser Verlag, 1996. Journal URL
83 Filikov, A. V., Jones, J. R., Myasoedov, N. F., and Ward, E. S. Application of solid state catalytic hydrogen isotope exchange to the tritium labeling of lysozyme. Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals, 36: 179-185, 1996. Journal URL
82 Ward, E. S. Production and manipulation of antibodies and T cell receptors using recombinant DNA technology. Therapeutic Immunology, 335-346, 1996. Journal URL
81 Ghetie, V., Hubbard, J. G., Kim, J. K., Tsen, M. F., Lee, Y., and Ward, E. S. Abnormally short serum half-lives of IgG in beta 2-microglobulin-deficient mice. European Journal of Immunology, 26: 690-696, 1996. Journal URL
80 Popov, S., Hubbard, J. G., and Ward, E. S. A novel and efficient route for the isolation of antibodies that recognise T cell receptor V alpha(s). Molecular Immunology, 33: 493-502, 1996. Journal URL
79 Popov, S., Hubbard, J. G., Kim, J., Ober, B., Ghetie, V., and Ward, E. S. The stoichiometry and affinity of the interaction of murine Fc fragments with the MHC class I-related receptor, FcRn. Molecular Immunology, 33: 521-530, 1996. Journal URL
78 Medesan, C., Radu, C., Kim, J. K., Ghetie, V., and Ward, E. S. Localization of the site of the IgG molecule that regulates maternofetal transmission in mice. European Journal of Immunology, 26: 2533-2536, 1996. Journal URL
77 Ober, R. J. and Ward, E. S. Correcting for phase distortion of NMR spectra analyzed using singular-value decomposition of Hankel matrices. Journal of Magentic Resonance, 114: 120-123, 1995. Journal URL
76 Ward, E. S. and Bebbington, C. R. Genetic manipulation and expression of antibodies. mAbs, pages: 137-185, Hanser Publishers, 1995.
75 Ghetie, V. and Ward, E. S. Genetic manipulation of antibodies: from variable domains to constant regions. The Antibodies, pages: 169-211, Gordon and Breach, San Diego, 1995.
74 Ward, E. S. VH shuffling can be used to convert an Fv fragment of anti-hen egg lysozyme specificity to one that recognizes a T cell receptor V alpha. Molecular Immunology, 32: 147-156, 1995. Journal URL
73 Kim, J. K., Tsen, M. F., Ghetie, V., and Ward, E. S. Evidence that the hinge region plays a role in maintaining serum levels of the murine IgG1 molecule. Molecular Immunology, 32: 467-475, 1995. Journal URL
72 Jahn, S., Roggenbuck, D., Niemann, B., and Ward, E. S. Expression of monovalent fragments derived from a human IgM autoantibody in E. coli. The input of the somatically mutated CDR1/CDR2 and of the CDR3 into antigen binding specificity. Immunobiology, 193: 400-419, 1995. Journal URL
71 Falcioni, F., Vidovic, D., Ward, E. S., Bolin, D., Singh, G., Shah, H., Ober, B., and Nagy, Z. A. Self tolerance to T cell receptor V beta sequences. The Journal of Experimental Medicine, 182: 249-254, 1995. Journal URL
70 Rosloniec, E. F., Brand, D. D., Whittington, K. B., Stuart, J. M., Ciubotaru, M., and Ward, E. S. Vaccination with a recombinant V alpha domain of a TCR prevents the development of collagen-induced arthritis. Journal of Immunology, 155: 4504-4511, 1995. Journal URL
69 Fields, B. A., Ober, B., Malchiodi, E. L., Lebedeva, M. I., Braden, B. C., Ysern, X., Kim, J. K., Shao, X., Ward, E. S., and Mariuzza, R. A. Crystal structure of the V alpha domain of a T cell antigen receptor. Science, 270: 1821-1824, 1995. Journal URL
68 Ward, E. S. and Ghetie, V. The effector functions of immunoglobulins: implications for therapy. Therapeutic Immunology, 2: 77-94, 1995. Journal URL
67 Sefton, J. A. and Ober, R. J. Properties of optimally robust controllers. International Journal of Control, 59: 1191-1210, 1994. Journal URL
66 Sefton, J. A. and Ober, R. J. Hankel norm approximation and control systems.In Proceedings of the 31st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 205: 1081-1120, 1994. Journal URL
65 Ober, R. J. and Fuhrmann, P. A. Diffeomorphisms between classes of linear systems. In Linear Algebra and its Applications, pages: 117-157, Springer Verlag, 1994.
64 Fields, B. A., Ysern, X., Poljak, R. J., Shao, X., Ward, E. S., and Mariuzza, R. A. Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction study of a bacterially produced T-cell antigen receptor V alpha domain. Journal of Molecular Biology, 239: 339-341, 1994. Journal URL
63 Kim, J. K., Tsen, M. F., Ghetie, V., and Ward, E. S. Localization of the site of the murine IgG1 molecule that is involved in binding to the murine intestinal Fc receptor. European Journal of Immunology, 24: 2429-2434, 1994. Journal URL
62 Kim, J. K., Tsen, M. F., Ghetie, V., and Ward, E. S. Identifying amino acid residues that influence plasma clearance of murine IgG1 fragments by site-directed mutagenesis. European Journal of Immunology, 24: 542-548, 1994. Journal URL
61 Kim, J. K., Tsen, M. F., Ghetie, V., and Ward, E. S. Catabolism of the murine IgG1 molecule: evidence that both CH2-CH3 domain interfaces are required for persistence of IgG1 in the circulation of mice. Scandinavian Journal of Immunology, 40: 457-465, 1994. Journal URL
60 Ciubotaru, M. and Ward, E. S. Expression of soluble T-cell receptor fragments derived from a T-cell clone associated with murine collagen-induced arthritis. Immunology Letters, 43: 139-141, 1994. Journal URL
59 Fuhrmann, P. A. and Ober, R. J. A functional approach to LQG balancing. International Journal of Control, 57: 627-741, 1993. Journal URL
58 Fuhrmann, P. A. and Ober, R. J. State space forrmulas for coprime factorizations. Operator Theory: Advances and Applications: Contributions to Operator Theory and its applications, Vol. 62, pp: 39-75, Birkhaeuser Verlag Basel, 1993. Journal URL
57 Sefton, J. A. and Ober, R. J. On the gap metric and coprime factor perturbations. Automatica, 29: 723-734, 1993. Journal URL
56 Sefton, J. A. and Ober, R. J. Uncertainty in the weighted gap metric: A geometric approach. Automatica, 29: 1079-1100, 1993. Journal URL
55 Ober, R. J. and Wu, Y. Asymptotic Stability of Infinite-Dimensional Discrete-Time Balanced Realizations. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 31: 1321-1339, 1993. Journal URL
54 Gerencser, L., Michaletzky, G., and Ober, R. J. Balancing for identification and control. Systems and Networks: Mathematical Theory and Applications-Proceedings of the International Symposium Mtns ’93 Held in Regensburg, Germany, pages: 141-144, Akademie Verlag, August 2-6, 1993.
53 Ward, E. S. Antibody Engineering using E. coli as a host. Advances in Pharmacology, pages: 1-20, Academic Press, 1993. Journal URL
52 Winter, G. P. and Ward, E. S. Antibody Engineering. Clinical Aspects of Immunology, pages: 817-828, Blackwell Scientific Publications, Malden, 1993.
51 Sefton, J. A. and Ober, R. J. Graphs of linear systems and stabilization. In Kimura, H. and Kodama, S., eds., Recent Advances in Mathematical Theory of Systems, Control, Networks, and Signal Processing I, pages: 351-356, Mita Press, 1992. Journal URL
50 Sefton, J. A. and Ober, R. J. Hankel norm approximation and control systems. In Proceedings of the 31st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 1: 1030-1035, 1992. Journal URL
49 Fuhrmann, P. A. and Ober, R. J. A functional approach to LQG balancing. In Proceedings of the 31st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 1: 1036-1039, 1992. Journal URL
48 Hanzon, B. and Ober, R. J. Overlapping block-balanced canonical forms and parametrizations: the stable SISO case. In Proceedings of the 31st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 3: 2835-2838, 1992. Journal URL
47 Ober, R. J. and Wu, Y. Stability analysis of infinite dimensional discrete and continuous time linear systems. In Proceedings of the 31st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 4: 3436-3437, 1992. Journal URL
46 Ward, E. S. Antibody engineering: the use of Escherichia coli as an expression host. FASEB Journal, 6: 2422-2427, 1992. Journal URL
45 Borrebaeck, C. A., Malmborg, A. C., Furebring, C., Michaelsson, A., Ward, E. S., Danielsson, L., and Ohlin, M. Kinetic analysis of recombinant antibody-antigen interactions: relation between structural domains and antigen binding. Biotechnology (N. Y.), 10: 697-698, 1992. Journal URL
44 Ward, E. S. Secretion of T cell receptor fragments from recombinant Escherichia coli cells. Journal of Molecular Biology, 224: 885-890, 1992. Journal URL
43 Cumber, A. J., Ward, E. S., Winter, G., Parnell, G. D., and Wawrzynczak, E. J. Comparative stabilities in vitro and in vivo of a recombinant mouse antibody FvCys fragment and a bisFvCys conjugate. Journal of Immunology, 149: 120-126, 1992. Journal URL
42 Ober, R. J. and Fuhrmann, P. A. Diffeomorphisms between manifolds of linear systems. Proceedings SINS 92′. Symposium on Implicit and Nonlinear Systems: 139-146, 1992. Journal URL
41 Ober, R. J. Balanced parametrization of classes of linear systems. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 29: 1251-1287, 1991. Journal URL
40 Ober, R. J. and Sefton, J. A. Stability of control systems and graphs of linear systems. Systems & Control Letters, 17: 265-280, 1991. Journal URL
39 Wu, Y. and Ober, R. J. Asymptotic stability of infinite dimensional discrete-time balanced realizations. In Proceedings of the 30th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 3: 3025-3030, 1991. Journal URL
38 Sefton, J. A. and Ober, R. J. Graphs of Linear Systems and Stabilization. In Proceedings of the 30th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 1: 545-546, 1991. Journal URL
37 Ward, E. S. Expression and Secretion of T-Cell Receptor Va and Vβ Domains using Escherichia coli as a Host. Scandinavian Journal of Immunology, 34: 215-220, 1991. Journal URL
36 Howe, C. J. and Ward, E. S. DNA Sequencing. In Essential Molecular Biology: A Practical Approach, pages. 157-183. Oxford University Press, IRL, 1991.
35 Ward, E. S. Expression and purification of antibody fragments using Escherichia coli as a host. In Antibody Engineering: A Practical Guide, pages: 121-137, Stockton Press, New York, 1991.
34 Ober, R. J. and Montgomery-Smith, S. Bilinear transformation of infinite dimensional state-space systems and balanced realizations of nonrational transfer functions. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 28: 438-465, 1990. Journal URL
33 Ober, R. J. A Note on a System Theoretic Approach to a Conjecture by Peller-Khrushchev: The General Case. IMA J Math Control Info, 7:35-45, 1990. Journal URL
32 De Mari, F. and Ober, R. J. Topological aspects of robust control. In Control of Uncertain Systems, pages: 57-67, Birkhaeuser, Boston, 1990.
31 Sefton, J. A., Ober, R. J., and Glover, K. Robust stabilization in the presence of coprime factor perturbations. In Proceedings of the 29th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 3: 1197-1198, 1990. Journal URL
30 McGinnie, B. P., Ober, R. J., and Maciejowski, J. M. Balanced parametrization in time-series identification. In Proceedings of the 29th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 6: 3202-3203, 1990. Journal URL
29 Boulot, G., Eisele, J. L., Bentley, G. A., Bhat, T. N., Ward, E. S., Winter, G., and Poljak, R. J. Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction study of the bacterially expressed Fv from the monoclonal anti-lysozyme antibody D1.3 and of its complex with the antigen, lysozyme. Journal of Molecular Biology, 213: 617-619, 1990. Journal URL
28 Jones, P. T., Ward, E. S., Gussow, D., Griffiths, A. D., and Winter, G. Generating a repertoire of antibody v genes and the selection and expression of antigen binding activities in E. coli. Protein Engineering: Protein Design in Basic Research, Medicine, and Industry, pages: 229-234, Spring-Verlag, 1990.
27 Ober, R. J. Connectivity properties of various classes of linear systems. International Journal of Control, 50: 2049-2073, 1989. Journal URL
26 Ober, R. J. and McFarlane, D. Balanced canonical forms for minimal systems: a normalized coprime factor approach. Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 122-124: 23-64, 1989. Journal URL
25 Ober, R. J. Stability and structural properties of infinite dimensional balanced realizations. Proceedings of 5th IFAC Symposium on Control of Distributed Parameter Systems, 577-583, 1989. Journal URL
24 Gussow, D., Ward, E. S., Griffiths, A. D., Jones, P. T., and Winter, G. Generating binding activities from Escherichia coli by expression of a repertoire of immunoglobulin variable domains. Cold Spring Harbor Symposium on Quantitative Biology, 265-272, 1989. Journal URL
23 Ward, E. S., Gussow, D., Griffiths, A. D., Jones, P. T., and Winter, G. Binding activities of a repertoire of single immunoglobulin variable domains secreted from Escherichia coli. Nature, 341: 544-546, 1989. Journal URL
22 Ward, E. S., Gussow, D., Griffiths, A. D., Kiener, P. A., and Winter, G. Expression and secretion of repertoires of VH domains in Escerichia coli: isolation of antigen binding activities. Progress in Immunology, pages: 1144-1151, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1989. Journal URL
21 Howe, C. J. and Ward, E. S. Nucleic Acids Sequencing: A Practical Approach Oxford University Press, IRL, 1989. Journal URL
20 Ward, E. S. and Howe, C. J. Troubleshooting in chain-termination sequencing. Nucleic Acids Sequencing: A Practical Approach, pages: 79-97, Oxford University Press, IRL, 1989.
19 Ward, E. S. Sequencing of double-stranded DNA. Nucleic Acids Sequencing: A Practical Approach, pages: 99-115, Oxford University Press, IRL, 1989.
18 Maciejowski, J. M. and Ober, R. J. Balanced parametrizations and canonical forms for system identification. In Proceedings 8th IFAC Symposium on System Identification and Parameter Estimation, Beijing, 1988. Journal URL
17 Ober, R. J. The parametrization of linear systems using balanced realizations: relaxation systems. Linear Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing : Theory and Application, New York, 1988.
16 Ward, E. S. and Ellar, D. J. Cloning and expression of two homologous genes of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis which encode 130-Kilodalton mosquitocidal proteins. Journal of Bacteriology, 170: 727-735, 1988. Journal URL
15 Ward, E. S., Ellar, D. J., and Chilcott, C. N. Single amino acid changes in the Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis delta-endotoxin affect the toxicity and expression of the protein. Journal of Molecular Biology, 202: 527-535, 1988. Journal URL
14 Ober, R. J. Topology of the set of asymptotically stable minimal systems. International Journal of Control, 46: 263-280, 1987. Journal URL
13 Ober, R. J. Balanced realizations: canonical form, parametrization, model reduction. International Journal of Control, 46: 643-670, 1987. Journal URL
12 Ober, R. J. A parametrization approach to infinite-dimensional balanced systems and their approximation. IMA J Math Control Info, 4: 263-280, 1987. Journal URL
11 Ober, R. J. A note on a system theoretic approach to a conjecture by Peller-Khrushchev. Systems & Control Letters, 8: 303-306, 1987. Journal URL
10 Ober, R. J. Asymptotically stable allpass transfer functions: canonical form, parametrization and realization. Proceedings IFAC World Congress, 1987. Journal URL
9 Earp, D. J., Ward, E. S., and Ellar, D. J. Investigation of possible homologies between crystal proteins of three mosquitocidal strains of Bacillus thuringiensis. FEMS Letters, 42: 195-199, 1987. Journal URL
8 Haider, M. Z., Ward, E. S., and Ellar, D. J. Cloning and heterologous expression of an insecticidal delta-endotoxin gene from Bacillus thuringiensis var. aizawai IC1 toxic to both lepidoptera and diptera. Gene, 52: 285-290, 1987. Journal URL
7 Ward, E. S., and Ellar, D. J. Nucleotide sequence of a Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis gene encoding a 130 kDa delta-endotoxin. Nucleic Acids Research, 15: 7195, 1987. Journal URL
6 Ober, R. J. Infinite dimensional balanced realizations and their approximation. In Proceedings of the 25th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 155-156, 1986. Journal URL
5 Ward, E. S., Ridley, A. R., Ellar, D. J., and Todd, J. A. Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis delta-endotoxin. Cloning and expression of the toxin in sporogenic and asporogenic strains of Bacillus subtilis. Journal of Molecular Biology, 191: 13-22, 1986. Journal URL
4 Ward, E. S. and Ellar, D. J.Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis delta-endotoxin:Nucleotide sequence and characterization of the transcripts in Bacillus thuringiensis and Escherichia coli. Journal of Molecular Biology, 191: 1-11, 1986. Journal URL
3 Ellar, D. J., Thomas, W. E., Knowles, B. H., Ward, E. S., Todd, J. A., Drobniewski, F., Lewis, J., Sawyer, T., and Nichols, C. Biochemistry, genetics, and mode of action of Bacillus thuringiensis delta-endotoxins. Molecular Biology of Microbial Differentiation, 230-240, 1985.
2 Ward, E. S., Ellar, D. J., and Todd, J. A. Cloning and expression in Escherichia coli of the insecticidal delta-endotoxin gene of Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis. FEBS Letters, 175: 377-382, 1984. Journal URL
1 Ward, E. S., and Ellar, D. J. Assignment of the delta-endotoxin gene of Bacillus thuringiensis var israelensis to a specific plasmid by curing analysis. FEBS Letters, 158: 45-49, 1984. Journal URL